For many Leaders or CEO's today, the impact of mental health in the work place or related issues are now starting to become very clear, due to a better understanding and more supportive information from groups such as CALM, Mind and the Heads Togetherprogramme in terms related to this subject.
In the Automotive Industry, Armed Forces, Fire Service and Police Force( which is still male dominated & something that needs a real step change), the reality is realised due to the impact on team members well-being within the age bracket of 18 to 45 year old male sector, which matches the research work of CALM.(Campaign Against Living Miserably & Heads Together).
2014 statistics show that 4623 men in the UK took their own lives, that 78% of all suicides in 2015 in the UK are male and 42% have considered suicide. Apart from the headline facts, the most worrying and the most preventative is that 41% who contemplated suicide felt that they could not talk about there feelings. CALM recently wrote an article head "more stats, yet still no strategy".
So what are we doing to educate a new generation in the work place?
The answer to this and many other questions are very simple, many organisations are not equipped to deal with such aspects on a daily basis, we expect our business leaders to deal with any related issues yet very little CPD training is given by corporate companies, in fact it is fair to say there is no budget for such training.
Many companies have announced strategic work this year recognition of the subject in the workplace such as TOPMAN, Jaguar Land Rover and The Fire Emergency Service especially after the very public impact with the "Grenfell Towerblock fire in 2017".
Changing an attitude towards Mental Health starts with education in the work place, business owners need to create an environment that is safe and conducive to allow an open environment for conversations and education, especially in a male dominated industry. Today we have very little stats on the commercial impact of mental health in the work place, i am sure once this data builds a cost graph that is effecting the bottom line money will be budgeted for education of employees to recognise the signs within the work place.
Recently the BBC published a damning report of Amazon and some reported failings in the workplace, yet Amazon is recognised as a great place to work, so if this is a great company to work for what does the other end of the scale look like?
Amazon statement read "new recruits are warned some positions are physically demanding and that some workers seek these positions as they enjoy the active nature of the work. The company said productivity targets are set objectively, based on previous performance levels achieved by the workforce."
This is a true reflection of their policy, yet their health and safety policy is well written and researched, would you accept this in your company as a Leader?
Social media, a new generation work force and a very diverse society is and will have an impact, my question to those Plc and Ltd companies today is very simple one, what is your strategy for helping Generation Y and Z who will soon join the ranks of Leadership in the next 5 years?
Does your "Mental Health Policy" match the detail behind your statutory policy for the workplace, what are your investment plans in 2018 in this area?
Mental Health should be on the agenda in society and in the work place, why, too many lives are lost through such illnesses and related causes. Its personally on my agenda and early 2018 will see the launch of The Links Foundation- a charity that will work with businesses across the UK to open up the conversation in the workplace with its Leadership whilst supporting the volunteer sector.
Get Mental Health in the workplace on your agenda for 2018 and make a difference for those who work with you in business. Create an environment that enhances well-being.
Marcus Jones