Married to Sue with two daughter, Alex (16) and Anna (12), I have been a member of Leicester Round Table since 2004. In that time I have undertaken the role of Table Chairman and over the last 12 months that of Area 14 Chairman. Quite simply looking forward to supporting my friend over the next few years.
Peter Lee
Charity Events Coordinator
Jane Smith
Events Coordinator
I am a 47 years old mother of two grown up children, one of which is a round tabler. I have been a Ladies Circler for 5 years and I am Marcus Jones other half and I'm organising his Presidential Ball.
Matt Broadhead
Logisitics Officer
Bosco Townsend
41 Club Liason Officer
Martin Holliday
Sales Officer
A member of Derby Merlin for four years now, starting with the programme role after only 6 months in table and continuing it for the next two years. Having undertaken most roles, I am soon to become Chairman over the next two years. Active on Area 14 Exec too for Sales and Swag for the past two years. Big believer in taking ownership and giving my all and taking pride in doing so, and enjoying yourself in the process
Marcus Jones
National President
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